Friday, October 29, 2010

Billboard Brilliance

I am very grateful to the online full service printing company that is in charge of billboard designs. There are some pretty cool advertisements that catch the eye. Some, it's because of location, it may be the only thing to look at. But others are spectacular displays of ingenuity. There was a billboard that had half a speed boat sticking out of it. It was made to look like the boat had crashed through the entire billboard. There was another for a rock climbing place that had a fake mannequin hanging from their sign. It was definitely a mannequin, but they left a little slack in the rope, so at first glance, especially if there was a little wind, it looked like it was a real person moving. There are others that have really clever sayings and are memorable, but there is a definite bonus to the added three dimensional effect which catches the eye.

The most technologically advanced I've seen are these billboards that appear flat, but then split into vertical triangle segments that spin independently of each other. Every ten to twenty seconds these vertical bars turn and the entire billboard advertisement changes. One billboard holds three different advertisements and then it has the added bonus of movement to draw peoples eyes. Business printing and advertising could definitely benefit from that. Those are some killer printing services. Whoever thought it up should be given some serious credit.

Pheasant Allies

There are certain types of creatures that are generally disliked by people. Not necessarily all people, but many. Spiders, catfish, leeches, rats, snakes, sharks, and ants are just a few. Granted they often fascinate and mesmerize peoples attention as they instinctively recoil from them. There have been instances though, where a certain creature is introduced to an area and absolutely thrives. Supposedly it is because they lack natural predators and completely overpopulate a place. It happened on Porto Santos with rabbits during the age of exploration and there was a more recent incident in Australia where they brought in a predator who didn't have a natural enemy. The funny thing is, you rarely hear of incidences like this related to birds.

There is pheasant hunting in South Dakota, and deer hunting season, as well as elk, moose, bear. These are times when hunting is allowed, but people don't seem to have the same reaction to birds as they do to insects and reptiles, even when they are participating in pheasant hunting season. Instead, they seem to anticipate, admire and display their prize. It lacks the whole recoil response that is so predictable to insects and rodents. Perhaps birds are seen more of allies since they tend to eat insects themselves.

Functional Fitness Home Decor

Good home décor items are useful, functional, and pleasant to look at. I recently was shown an engineers desk where it had computer access, lamp, normal desk type setup. However, the entire desk folds down while keeping all of the items level, and a bed suddenly appears in the same space. It is an amazing piece that an engineer could definitely appreciate.

There was another interior home decorating piece I was shown recently that could be useful in a residence or office setting (if it were allowed). It's a treadmill desk. You literally walk while you work on the computer or fill out paperwork. You wouldn't necessarily be running on it while you fill out paperwork, but you could if you had long briefs to read. It was a very cleverly designed home décor item. I bet people who work from home would absolutely adore having that as part of their interior home decorating. They could work, be at home and get fit all at the same time, while being paid for it. Sounds fairly ideal. Who knows, maybe ten years from now it will be standard in some offices. Many places do have gyms or fitness areas available for employees, this would just be the next logical step.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Camping is an experience that completely plays upon all the senses. Between the sensual fragrance of smoke from the camp fire and the perfume fragrance of pine trees mixed with dinner smells and moldering leaves, the unique blend is almost intoxicating. The smells alone can leave a person dizzy from all the variety. Crisp air and wafting scents of flowers on the breeze being intermingled with the leather of your boots and morning coffee is memorable to say the least.

Add the sense of sight to the multitude of perfume fragrance sensations and you add a sense of color and shadow to the flavor of your food. Sunrise is a visual haven. It starts with everything being dim and slightly indiscernible, but as it moves further and further up in the sky, details suddenly start to appear and objects take on new vibrancy.

There is a sense that can halt all of these powerful smells and sights in one fell swoop. It's the sense of touch. Sleeping bags and tents only go so far when defending against the sharp edge of rocks that dig into the back at night. If you have the unpleasant opportunity to run into poison ivy or perhaps be bitten by a tick, there is a disconcerting remnant of itching, bruising, or pinching that distracts from everything else. Granted, the sense of touch can amplify as much as detract. The smooth feel of a rock after feeling the textured bark of a tree can add to the sensual fragrance of pine while watching the sunrise with a nice hot cup of coffee warming you up. There's definitely a plethora of material for the senses when camping. Well worth it.

Cyber Trance

Have you ever been entranced by the most idiotic and trivial things? There used to be a toy that was magnet based and had a spinning wheel that would travel back and forth along two metal bars. It's simplicity is astounding, yet it can captivate people for hours. It becomes a part of their psyche to continue to back and forth motion during conversations, and sometimes they learn how to do some tasks with one hand in order to continue.

This tendency also applies to electronics. There are so many cool interactive videos and graphs available. Generally, people watch out for these trivial time consumers, but most of us fall prey to one or another from time to time. Mine was a roofing company site. They had a picture of a two story house with a whole slew of color options and roofing types in neatly labeled boxes off to the side. If you clicked on a box, the whole roof on the house would change to that color and style. It doesn't matter if you're looking at roofing in Austin or Maine, the site could be helpful and also ultimately distracting. To make it even better, there was a server error and the picture split in two, so it ended up displaying these cool two toned roofs. Roofing is definitely not on my to-do list, but the site had my attention for quite some time.

Hesitant Leap

Generally, people dread having their life turned upside down and proceeding knowingly into a massive mess. Most will quail at the thought and try to dodge, avoid, ignore, or deny the potential hazards. Who can blame them? Ironically, whether it is a figurative or literal situation, even when a person knows they will benefit from the upheaval or enjoy the results, they often still try to avoid the necessary mess.

Home improvement projects are a good example of this. People get so excited over the prospect of having the appearance and comfort of their home updated. They love to talk about how nice it will look and what benefits it will bring. Some suck it up and continue into the nitty gritty of planning the upheaval process. Others, stay in the dream stage. A few, conveniently plan the upheaval and a vacation for the same period of time.

Roofing is a great example for this. Installing roof shingles in Austin or switching over to metal roofing in Alaska is not the same as completely remodeling the roofing structure. One is a little inconvenient, but operations continue like normal inside the house. The other results in complete displacement and the potential of living with neighbors or relatives for a few weeks. Once the job is completed, people rarely regret it, but getting past that initial leap into the mayhem can be dicey.

Observant People

Some people are incredibly observant. They walk into a new environment, socialize for a minute or two, walk out, and they can practically describe the room to the last detail. The painting quality and the dupage flooring, to the kind of lighting and number of switches. It's like their brain never stops functioning and hangs on to every little detail.

This definitely has its advantages, especially if they were to participate in a police line-up or recall sequences and events. However, as appealing as this might be to students stressing over a test or jeopardy contestants wishing they had more of this capability, most people would probably find it a bit irritating.

To never really forget or have events fade could really be overwhelming. Would you want to remember perfectly every argument you've had and how foolish you acted on numerous occasions. Granted, you could remember the good things just as well, but human nature is an oddity sometimes. Even if people are fed a million good things about themselves, they often choose to focus on the twenty things that bug them the most. It would be fun to find out the average ratio of positive and negative thoughts for humans. The results might be surprising.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Technical Art

Tile flooring is fascinating to watch. Some Seattle tile contractors make it look as easy as slicing warm butter to cut curved lines into stone. It's a very versatile art. Tiles are used as flooring, backsplashes, and wall coverings. Schools often put them halfway up the wall and it cuts down on the number of dirty hand prints the janitorial staff has to try and clean off paint. It's much easier to clean the tile instead. Plus, with all the patterns and swirls tile often has, the hand prints are much less noticeable.

What is amazing, is to see the designs and pictures that can be created with miniature tiles. It is painstaking work, but the intricacy of it adds to the beauty of the tile flooring. There is an old movie called Batteries Not Included that can credit half of its charm to the tile flooring completed as part of the set. You wouldn't naturally think the flooring would have that dramatic of an effect on the theme of a film, but it does.

Overall, the skill tile contractors possess is probably under appreciated. There is a definite artistic element that is an inherent part of the work. Plus, they must complete it with the finesse of accuracy, otherwise the client will end up paying for extra boxes of tile. It's a technical art form people rarely notice...unless it's missing of course.

Strapless Stress

I once saw a performance with a song called 'stress of a strapless' evening gown. It's true, if you watch, a strapless evening gown has to be incredibly well made and tailor fitted in order to avoid the persistent upward tug that accompanies any such outfit. Plus, there is the added dilemma concerning the fact that your underclothing matches suit in order to avoid visible bra straps. There isn't a lot of reassurance in such an ensemble. However, for all of you who can sympathize with the stress of a strapless gown, there is a fashionable solution available.

You can now get designer bra straps that match the strapless evening gown, but alleviate the stress. Whatever your taste, they have rhinestone bras straps or more subtle, but still effective decorative bra straps. It actually can be quite attractive and I imagine it would be particularly appealing to brides. They do spend an entire day in a monstrous dress that has a decent amount of weight to it. They are also surrounded for the entire day by numerous relatives who she probably wouldn't mind leaving with a good impression. Then there is the fact that as exciting as the day is, it is often the most tiring one as well. Everyone knows klutzy accidents are more likely when fatigued. True for driving situations and brides.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Recent Trend

There is a recent rumor that the best guys to date are nerds. A myriad of reasons are given, they are loyal to their spouses, they generally treat women well, and lack the monstrous egos accredited to their jock counterparts. There is a dilemma though. How many girls comprehend phrases such as data integration from sql to xml, xml to pdf, and database to xml conversion. After 20 minutes of this, many girls will either emit a timid yawn or change the subject, which is not always effective with the intense focus most intellectuals have. They can only feign understanding for so long and eventually he is going to expect some sort of intelligent response beyond “that's interesting.”

With the new rumor, there may be a trend ensuing to date nerdy guys, which could be beneficial. Eventually the girls will have to pick up a book, attempt the spark notes, or ask him and his friends to help. This whole concept has been popularized even more by the recent sitcom, the Big Bang Theory. It revolves around two apartments, one containing bachelor nerds, and the other a hot blond. The combination is amusing and disturbing all at once, but possibly becoming more accepted.

Pharmacy Qualifications

There is good reason pharmacies are located almost everywhere in the United States. Between unexpected illness, injuries, and recuperation from weekend festivities, pharmacies play an essential role in daily living. The trouble is, the clientele that may enter a pharmacy is varied, but generally not feeling well and potentially cantankerous. An expert pharmacy employee not only has to master medication dosages, but also craftily handle potentially hazardous customer service situations. Perhaps a West Palm Beach pharmacy would have a higher proportion of weekend festivity cases, but generally pharmacies need employees who are as resolute. A vet has an advantage when working with his sick patients that pharmacists do not.

Another drawback which pharmacists have to handle is the fact that they are at the tail end of the individuals route home when ill. By the time they have waited in a doctors reception area, completed the doctor visit, driven to the pharmacy, and waited for the prescription to be filled, they have had a lot of time to focus on why they don't feel well. There's a good chance the pharmacy technician will get an earful before the nauseous person leaves in anticipation of a warm cozy bed at home.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Elvis and Avril...

I have never been able to figure out why certain trends become popular. Anyone else remember the MC Hammer pants from the 80's? Then there was the huge massive hair for girls at that time. Look at Michael Jackson's single glove fad, and thank heavens no one really followed Madonnas fashion trend. There are more vintage styles like Elvis Presley, who could totally pull off the diamond plate leather jacket look. But why in the world was he so popular? You compare him with the Beatles or basically any fashion magazine picture and it really makes you wonder. Elvis could pull off a buffalo leather jacket while standing in Hawaii under the blazing sun, but could anybody else really manage it?

There must be some sort of recipe for fashion that eludes 75% of the general populace. It's either that or these figures have a massive amount of charisma. However, they say Hitler had charisma, and you rarely see people modeling his mustache. Maybe that was one of the pseudo trends that claims to be popular but never really is. Avril Lavigne's tie look could probably classify as that. She can handle it, but there must be some magic ingredient she and Elvis have in common because there don't seem to be many others like them. Maybe it's in their names...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dangerous Professions

There are certain professions that seem as if they should have a higher mortality rate than others. If I were to pick some, they would be National Geographic photographers/authors, lion tamers/safari guides, skyscraper maintenance workers, and New York electric contractors. The first three are pretty self explanatory, but if you think about it, electric contractors have to wire and maintain any place with lights or power. The empire state building lights up like a lighthouse beacon at night, there must be some electric contractors who service it. On the flip side, they also have to help with subway stations and tunnel systems. They have to go where the wires lead.

Surprisingly, electric contractors are in the top ten as well as skyscraper workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2002, the 10 most dangerous jobs are:
1. Timber Cutters
2. Fishers
3. Pilots and Navigators
4. Structural Metal Workers
5. Drivers-sales Workers
6. Roofers
7. Electrical Power Installers
8. Farm Occupations
9. Construction Laborers
10. Truck Drivers

Surprisingly, when you look at occupations with the highest suicide rate, some of the most dangerous are not on there. In fact, there is only one duplicate profession on the list.
1. Doctors and Medical Professionals
2. Security Guards
3. Pilots
4. Artists

Good luck to you pilots, perhaps consideration of being an electrical contractor is in order...

Family Law Assumptions

There are certain assumptions children make when growing up about how other people must live like they live because that is just the way things are. There was an individual who thought she could catch a broken arm like the flu and thus avoided a peer on the school bus the entire time he had a cast on. There was another who thought that since her family was required to take music lessons, everyone must have to take music lessons.

These are all fairly innocent, but there some peculiar family law decrees, that can lead to uproar when the child finally realizes not everyone lives like that. For example, one Lexington family law that is particularly memorable is called opera hour. For at least one hour a day all communication in the household consisted singing in an operatic voice. Whether talking to your family or on the phone, opera was the tone.

Generally it would be assumed that such a family law could lead to ridicule, but in this case it was the opposite. Instead of being teased, peers decided to have their own opera hour within the classroom for the entirety of the math lesson. There was definite benevolence, slight mayhem, and a lot of laughter as a result.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weird Tidbits of Advice

Have you ever wondered how we end up with weird tidbits of advice like: Pickled pigs feet make Philadelphia carpet cleaning necessary, come from? An immediate mental image of a potential scenario that must have given birth to the idea comes forth and is often followed by a grimace.

There are literal published proverbs such as never own a black dog if you have white carpet that implies another carpet cleaning situation. Many people can sympathize with the dog problem, and few think of the hair color and carpet cleaning when choosing their favorite breed of pet.

Let's take an odd Irish proverb: A cow pat is wider when trodden on. Would you really want to be the person who coined that phrase? There is a definite implication about the state of your shoe, and the distance your friends are now making between you and them.

If you look at proverbs around the world, dogs should be very wary. In Italy, it is said Dogs and rude people have no hands, which is a definite step up from their status in China: Give a dog an appetizing name, and eat him. Yes, there is definite potential for traumatized children in that last saying.

Rocky's Cleaning Theme

Have you ever noticed the obvious cleaning improvement theme in the Rocky movies? In the early movies, you get numerous depictions of Rocky and Adrianne's apartments, which could obviously use some carpet cleaning in a hurry. Then you have the pet shop where Adrianne works, which could also use a good visit from a carpet cleaning company. Throughout the series they upgrade their living spaces to the point where the mansion looks like it is visited by a Philadelphia carpet cleaning company every week or possibly every day.

It's kind of an interesting theme, especially since the latest movie pictures Rocky back in a Philadelphia apartment. He has neater habits, but it is quite similar to how he started. It could be a subtle tribute to the effect Adrianne had on him, or it could be a commentary on the power of habits, but a favorite possibility is the fact that he just really likes being around people. Keeping a character like that cooped up in a large house by himself would be a recipe for the next sports star fiasco. Plus, if you look closer at the cleaning theme, you can't help but notice how much his experiences have changed his character and consequently his habits. Purposeful or not, it's a nice visual emphasis to support the character development.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Dentist...

There are so many professions that are loved, feared, and hated all in the same breath. A dentist is probably at the top of the list of victims when it comes to the complexities of customer relations. A poor dentist is expected to create a friendly environment for children while proposing the idea of extracting and drilling into teeth. There are many parents who would probably be willing to travel to a San Jose dentist in hopes that the travel alone would tire out the child enough to make them behave just a little. Sadly, many children blame the dentist without the realization they are being paid by their own parents to complete the procedure. It is said that there is a fairly high suicide rate among the dental profession—can we blame them? The children that scream incessantly directly into the ear of the dentist when young, often grow into teenagers with similar dental anxiety.

I met a concerned mother who was asking what to do to help calm her almost 20 year old daughter in order to have a successful dentist appointment. The dentist himself, has probably seen that person bi-annually for years. Can you blame him if the patience factor gets a little thin? Yes, if you look closely, there is an increase in friendly dental offices who cater to children and advertise quality sedation techniques. It seems like a win-win situation for both the dentist and parents. Smart marketing.