Monday, November 1, 2010

Fascinating Repulsion

There are some things I am intensely curious about, but also hope I never have to experience. One is swimming with sharks. It looks fascinating on the science channels and would be cool to do, but I really wouldn't want to do it for fun, and it would be even more terrifying if shipwrecked. Another example is being shot out of a cannon. There are people who do it, and it looks dangerously fun at the circus, but if I were ever really faced with the chance to participate, I don't think I would take the opportunity.

Skyscraper climbing is another example. The idea of being harnessed to a huge building with hundreds of feet of empty space below while balancing precariously knowing the only thing between you and the ground is a harness get the picture. All of these make sense with the obvious element of high danger, but equally intriguing is the California bar exam. There must be a ton of legalese within that test that prospective lawyers have to comprehend, and have probably needed the assistance of a California bar exam tutor for. The whole idea of regurgitating that much factual information in one sitting is daunting to say the least. I would like to see it done, but have no inclination to try it myself.