Thursday, February 24, 2011

Consider a Utah Midwife

When a new family member is soon to arrive, there are many plans and decisions which need to be made in order to be fully prepared. Choosing where and how the birth process is to occur is one of the most imminent decisions which parents face. The procedures and methods used by hospitals and clinics are fairly well known, but there are many other options available for those who are open to alternatives. Getting the assistance of a Utah midwife, doula or other home birth assistants can make a big difference on the demeanor of the birth.

A midwife is completely focused on the health and well being of the mother during the entirety of the birthing process. Their assistance can be sought in traditional medical center settings, birthing suites, or as part of a home birth. Though it may require some additional considerations, there are midwives who are willing to conduct VBAC homebirth situations for those who prefer it. When seeking the services of a midwife, it is important to inquire about past experience. Typically, midwives will have standards regarding how to handle various medical circumstances which may arise. For many, this option for pregnancy care and delivery is less well known, but the services of a midwife can be a great way to experience child birth.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Benefits of Midwifery

There are a lot of benefits to having the care of a Utah midwife during a pregnancy. With a midwife, there is direct contact throughout almost the entire pregnancy. Most often a midwife is willing to take calls and answer questions at almost any time, there is no nurse or intermediary office member to work with. The level of service is much higher with a midwife since they personally conduct the prenatals and they can last from thirty minutes to an hour depending on the discussion concerning the baby or concerns which the expectant mother may have.

When the homebirth takes place, a Utah midwife is there for the entire delivery process and during the assessment of the newborn afterward. Midwifery focuses on the overall health and well being of the client during the entire pregnancy process which would equate to a very high level of service in a more traditional business setting. There are often other midwives or a doula who also help during the birth if desired, but the midwife is the primary and most consistent supporter. When considering the option of home birth, midwifery has many benefits that make it appealing such as direct communication, more personal attention and having a trusted individual present for the entirety of the delivery.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fascinating Repulsion

There are some things I am intensely curious about, but also hope I never have to experience. One is swimming with sharks. It looks fascinating on the science channels and would be cool to do, but I really wouldn't want to do it for fun, and it would be even more terrifying if shipwrecked. Another example is being shot out of a cannon. There are people who do it, and it looks dangerously fun at the circus, but if I were ever really faced with the chance to participate, I don't think I would take the opportunity.

Skyscraper climbing is another example. The idea of being harnessed to a huge building with hundreds of feet of empty space below while balancing precariously knowing the only thing between you and the ground is a harness get the picture. All of these make sense with the obvious element of high danger, but equally intriguing is the California bar exam. There must be a ton of legalese within that test that prospective lawyers have to comprehend, and have probably needed the assistance of a California bar exam tutor for. The whole idea of regurgitating that much factual information in one sitting is daunting to say the least. I would like to see it done, but have no inclination to try it myself.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Billboard Brilliance

I am very grateful to the online full service printing company that is in charge of billboard designs. There are some pretty cool advertisements that catch the eye. Some, it's because of location, it may be the only thing to look at. But others are spectacular displays of ingenuity. There was a billboard that had half a speed boat sticking out of it. It was made to look like the boat had crashed through the entire billboard. There was another for a rock climbing place that had a fake mannequin hanging from their sign. It was definitely a mannequin, but they left a little slack in the rope, so at first glance, especially if there was a little wind, it looked like it was a real person moving. There are others that have really clever sayings and are memorable, but there is a definite bonus to the added three dimensional effect which catches the eye.

The most technologically advanced I've seen are these billboards that appear flat, but then split into vertical triangle segments that spin independently of each other. Every ten to twenty seconds these vertical bars turn and the entire billboard advertisement changes. One billboard holds three different advertisements and then it has the added bonus of movement to draw peoples eyes. Business printing and advertising could definitely benefit from that. Those are some killer printing services. Whoever thought it up should be given some serious credit.

Pheasant Allies

There are certain types of creatures that are generally disliked by people. Not necessarily all people, but many. Spiders, catfish, leeches, rats, snakes, sharks, and ants are just a few. Granted they often fascinate and mesmerize peoples attention as they instinctively recoil from them. There have been instances though, where a certain creature is introduced to an area and absolutely thrives. Supposedly it is because they lack natural predators and completely overpopulate a place. It happened on Porto Santos with rabbits during the age of exploration and there was a more recent incident in Australia where they brought in a predator who didn't have a natural enemy. The funny thing is, you rarely hear of incidences like this related to birds.

There is pheasant hunting in South Dakota, and deer hunting season, as well as elk, moose, bear. These are times when hunting is allowed, but people don't seem to have the same reaction to birds as they do to insects and reptiles, even when they are participating in pheasant hunting season. Instead, they seem to anticipate, admire and display their prize. It lacks the whole recoil response that is so predictable to insects and rodents. Perhaps birds are seen more of allies since they tend to eat insects themselves.

Functional Fitness Home Decor

Good home décor items are useful, functional, and pleasant to look at. I recently was shown an engineers desk where it had computer access, lamp, normal desk type setup. However, the entire desk folds down while keeping all of the items level, and a bed suddenly appears in the same space. It is an amazing piece that an engineer could definitely appreciate.

There was another interior home decorating piece I was shown recently that could be useful in a residence or office setting (if it were allowed). It's a treadmill desk. You literally walk while you work on the computer or fill out paperwork. You wouldn't necessarily be running on it while you fill out paperwork, but you could if you had long briefs to read. It was a very cleverly designed home décor item. I bet people who work from home would absolutely adore having that as part of their interior home decorating. They could work, be at home and get fit all at the same time, while being paid for it. Sounds fairly ideal. Who knows, maybe ten years from now it will be standard in some offices. Many places do have gyms or fitness areas available for employees, this would just be the next logical step.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Camping is an experience that completely plays upon all the senses. Between the sensual fragrance of smoke from the camp fire and the perfume fragrance of pine trees mixed with dinner smells and moldering leaves, the unique blend is almost intoxicating. The smells alone can leave a person dizzy from all the variety. Crisp air and wafting scents of flowers on the breeze being intermingled with the leather of your boots and morning coffee is memorable to say the least.

Add the sense of sight to the multitude of perfume fragrance sensations and you add a sense of color and shadow to the flavor of your food. Sunrise is a visual haven. It starts with everything being dim and slightly indiscernible, but as it moves further and further up in the sky, details suddenly start to appear and objects take on new vibrancy.

There is a sense that can halt all of these powerful smells and sights in one fell swoop. It's the sense of touch. Sleeping bags and tents only go so far when defending against the sharp edge of rocks that dig into the back at night. If you have the unpleasant opportunity to run into poison ivy or perhaps be bitten by a tick, there is a disconcerting remnant of itching, bruising, or pinching that distracts from everything else. Granted, the sense of touch can amplify as much as detract. The smooth feel of a rock after feeling the textured bark of a tree can add to the sensual fragrance of pine while watching the sunrise with a nice hot cup of coffee warming you up. There's definitely a plethora of material for the senses when camping. Well worth it.